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Datamodel for Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM)


Name: sssom


Class Description
ExtensionDefinition A definition of an extension (non-standard) slot.
Mapping Represents an individual mapping between a pair of entities
MappingRegistry A registry for managing mapping sets. It holds a set of mapping set references, and can import other registries.
MappingSet Represents a set of mappings
MappingSetReference A reference to a mapping set. It allows to augment mapping set metadata from the perspective of the registry, for example, providing confidence, or a local filename or a grouping.
NoTermFound sssom:NoTermFound can be used in place of a subject_id or object_id when the corresponding entity could not be found. It SHOULD be used in conjuction with a corresponding subject_source or object_source to signify where the term was not found.
Prefix None
Propagatable Metamodel extension class to describe slots whose value can be propagated down from the MappingSet class to the Mapping class.


Slot Description
author_id Identifies the persons or groups responsible for asserting the mappings
author_label A string identifying the author of this mapping
comment Free text field containing either curator notes or text generated by tool pro...
confidence A score between 0 and 1 to denote the confidence or probability that the matc...
creator_id Identifies the persons or groups responsible for the creation of the mapping
creator_label A string identifying the creator of this mapping
curation_rule A curation rule is a (potentially) complex condition executed by an agent tha...
curation_rule_text A curation rule is a (potentially) complex condition executed by an agent tha...
curie_map A dictionary that contains prefixes as keys and their URI expansions as value...
documentation A URL to the documentation of this mapping commons
extension_definitions A list that defines the extension slots used in the mapping set
homepage A URL to a homepage of this mapping commons
imports A list of registries that should be imported into this one
issue_tracker A URL location of the issue tracker for this entity
issue_tracker_item The issue tracker item discussing this mapping
last_updated The date this reference was last updated
license A url to the license of the mapping
local_name The local name assigned to file that corresponds to the downloaded mapping se...
mapping_cardinality A string indicating whether this mapping is from a 1:1 (the subject_id maps t...
mapping_date The date the mapping was asserted
mapping_justification A mapping justification is an action (or the written representation of that a...
mapping_provider URL pointing to the source that provided the mapping, for example an ontology...
mapping_registry_description The description of a mapping registry
mapping_registry_id The unique identifier of a mapping registry
mapping_registry_title The title of a mapping registry
mapping_set_description A description of the mapping set
mapping_set_group Set by the owners of the mapping registry
mapping_set_id A globally unique identifier for the mapping set (not each individual mapping...
mapping_set_references A list of mapping set references
mapping_set_source A mapping set or set of mapping set that was used to derive the mapping set
mapping_set_title The display name of a mapping set
mapping_set_version A version string for the mapping
mapping_source The mapping set this mapping was originally defined in
mapping_tool A reference to the tool or algorithm that was used to generate the mapping
mapping_tool_version Version string that denotes the version of the mapping tool used
mappings Contains a list of mapping objects
match_string String that is shared by subj/obj
mirror_from A URL location from which to obtain a resource, such as a mapping set
object_category The conceptual category to which the subject belongs to
object_id The ID of the object of the mapping
object_label The label of object of the mapping
object_match_field A list of properties (term annotations on the object) that was used for the m...
object_preprocessing Method of preprocessing applied to the fields of the object
object_source URI of vocabulary or identifier source for the object
object_source_version Version IRI or version string of the source of the object term
object_type The type of entity that is being mapped
other Pipe separated list of key value pairs for properties not part of the SSSOM s...
predicate_id The ID of the predicate or relation that relates the subject and object of th...
predicate_label The label of the predicate/relation of the mapping
predicate_modifier A modifier for negating the predicate
predicate_type The type of entity that is being mapped
propagated Indicates whether a slot can be propagated from a mapping down to individual ...
property The property associated with the extension slot
publication_date The date the mapping was published
registry_confidence This value is set by the registry that indexes the mapping set
reviewer_id Identifies the persons or groups that reviewed and confirmed the mapping
reviewer_label A string identifying the reviewer of this mapping
see_also A URL specific for the mapping instance
similarity_measure The measure used for computing a similarity score
similarity_score A score between 0 and 1 to denote the similarity between two entities, where ...
slot_name The name of the extension slot
subject_category The conceptual category to which the subject belongs to
subject_id The ID of the subject of the mapping
subject_label The label of subject of the mapping
subject_match_field A list of properties (term annotations on the subject) that was used for the ...
subject_preprocessing Method of preprocessing applied to the fields of the subject
subject_source URI of vocabulary or identifier source for the subject
subject_source_version Version IRI or version string of the source of the subject term
subject_type The type of entity that is being mapped
type_hint Expected type of the values of the extension slot


Enumeration Description


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
EntityReference A reference to an entity involved in the mapping
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description