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Guide to using Mapping Justifications

The goal of this document is to provide the user with a few pointers into the art of mapping justification construction. As of Summer 2023, the SSSOM justification system is still evolving, and will likely benefit from yoru input. Where informative metadata properties or values are missing from the SSSOM datamodel or SEMAPV, request them on the SSSOM or SEMAPV issue tracker respectively.

Table of contents

  1. lexical matching
  2. semantic similarity threshold-based matching
  3. manual mapping curation
  4. mapping review
  5. Other justifications
    1. background knowledge-based matching
    2. composite matching
    3. instance-based matching
    4. lexical similarity threshold-based matching
    5. logical reasoning
    6. mapping chaining-based matching
    7. mapping inversion-based matching
    8. semantic similarity threshold-based matching
    9. structural matching
    10. unspecified matching

Lexical matching

There are two kinds of lexical matching justifications we try to distinguish:

Level 1: Track the fact that the match was based on a lexical process

Whenever a mapping was established by a lexical matching process, track at least that fact:

Level 2: Track the specific datamodel fields involved in the matching process

Regardless of which specific lexical matching justification you are working on, it is often useful to document the source field of the values used to aquire the match. For example:

  • subject_match_field: rdfs:label indicates that the value of the rdfs:label property on the subject entity was used to establish the match.
  • object_match_field: skos:prefLabel indicates that the value of the skos:prefLabel property on the object entity was used to establish the match.
  • match_string: somestring the exact string that was used to establish the match. This is especially useful if preprocessing methods are applied, see below (Level 3).

Level 3: Pre-processing

There are many pre-processing techniques for text in the NLP literature, such as lower-casing or lemmatisation. To judge the fidelity of a match, it is often useful to document the exact techniques used.

  • subject_preprocessing: semapv:BlankNormalisation indicates that before determining the match, blank characters (spaces etc) where standardised in some way. There are plenty of preprocessing techniques already recorded in SEMAPV, including semapv:BlankNormalisation, semapv:CaseNormalization, semapv:DiacriticsSuppression, semapv:DigitSuppression, semapv:Lemmatization, semapv:LinkStripping, semapv:PunctuationElemination, semapv:RegexRemoval, semapv:RegexReplacement, semapv:Stemming, semapv:StopWordRemoval, semapv:TermExtraction, semapv:Tokenization, but feel free to add more.

However, there is one aspect that makes this process quite difficult to implement: Most matchers will blindly apply a set of normalisation techniques prior to processing, but not document which exact technique had an effect. It is obviously less useful to say: we applied all these 20 techniques, if only one of them was actually effectual (i.e. caused the string to change).

If there is no (easy) way to keep track of which technique was effectual for any given match, we believe that it is still better to document all techniques, but doing so on mapping set level rather than for each individual mappings (to keep the mapping sets smaller).

Semantic similarity threshold-based matching

The basic idea behind "Semantic similarity threshold-based matching" is that a process that is "semantics aware" (in the loose sense, either by being cognisant about the graph structure, the logical structure, or a contextual textual knowledge such as an embedded Wikipedia article) enabled computing a score between the subject and object entity that to some degree reflects the "similarity" between the two entities. There are many examples of this:

  1. The (graph-)structure around the subject and object entities are projected into a common embedding space, and the similarity between the subject and object entities are expressed as cosine similarity between the two embeddings.
  2. The jaccard similarity between a set of properties of the subject and object entities is calculated.
  3. The Resnik score is calculated between the subject and object entities.

Important note on applicability of SSSOM for semantic similarity profiles: SSSOM is not used for documenting semantic similarity profiles, i.e. cross-tables where some set of terms are compared with another set of terms and the semantic similarity is recorded as a score. SSSOM is used to document mappings, and only if a mapping decision is influenced by a semantic similarity based approach, especially in conjunction with as specific thresshold, SSSOM is applicable. For pure semantic similarity tables use OAK Semantic Similarity.

Semantic vs lexical similarity?: Semantic similarity is different from lexical similarity intuitively because the context (the graph structure, the background information) is taken into account and provides an (often crude) model of the actual entity, rather than of the word describing it. However, the distinctions can become a bit hazy. Imagine learning a graph embedding on a graph without edges, or a word embedding purely on a single label - there is definitely a grey zone where lexical similarity finishes and semantic similarity begins. In practice though, it should be mostly clear.

Level 1: Documenting semantic similarity matches

The suggested metadata for semantic similarity threshold-based matching approach is:

Manual mapping curation

semapv:ManualMappingCuration is a process conducted by a (usually human) agent to determine a mapping by virtue of domain expertise. The task usually involves the agent determining, for a given subject_id, a suitable obect_id in the object_source.

Level 1: Documenting manual mapping curation

The suggested minimal metadata for manual mapping curation is:

  • author_id: Documenting, using a unique identifier such as an ORCID, the identity of the author performing the expert curation.
  • comment: When no formal curation_rule is provided (see below), it is recommended to provide a short comment with the mapping justification, especially if there is some uncertainty or ambiguity about the mapping decision.

Level 2: Documenting the confidence of expert curation

confidence is an incredibly useful metric for downstream users, including ETL engineers and data analysts. In an ideal world, all mappings have some kind of confidence associated with them. confidence scores should be read as "the strength of evidence provided in this record/table row (i.e mapping justification) leads us to believe the mapping (e.g. OMOP:44499396 --[skos:broadMatch]--> OMOP:4028717) is correct with 90% confidence.

In manual curation, confidence expresses the domain expertise degree of conviction that the asserted mapping holds true. While manual mapping curation is still considered a gold standard, in practice human agents have (a) varying levels of expertise on the subject domain, (b) varying levels of understanding of the intuitions behind "semantic spaces" and associated concepts and (c) varying levels of metadata associated with a concept to be able to determine a match (definitions, labels, papers, synonyms, etc). Documenting confidence can be very useful both to increase the transparency of data science pipelines that involve entity mappings, and as a means to increase curation speed: rather than trying to achieve 100% confidence for a mapping, which can be extremely time-consuming, it is often better to first "wave through" a mapping with lower confidence to reach coverage, and later revisit low confidence mappings iteratively.

Level 3: Documenting curation rules

For manual matches, it is often unclear by what criteria a match was established. Documenting the curation rules can help increase consistency for manual curation, and transparency for downstream users.

For example OHDSI_CURATION_RULE:19 could correspond to the following rule:

OHDSI_CURATION_RULE:19 = If the subject concept does not have an exact match in the object source vocabulary, we select the nearest broad ("up-hill") concept applicable. Conceptually, if both terms would exist in the same terminology, the subject concept can be defined as a subconcept of the object concept. The determination for both criteria (nearest broad, conceptally subconcept) is performed through medical expert judgement.

Curation rules are often very use case-specific and difficult to standardise. As of August 2023, SSSOM does not provide any standardised curation rules, but encourages the community to define them locally.

Mapping review

semapv:MappingReview is a process conducted by a (usually human) agent to determine the validity of a specific given mapping. It differs from semapv:ManualMappingCuration in that it does not involve looking for alternative mappings or indeed, necessarily determining if a mapping is the best possible mapping. It should be considered cheaper, less trustworthy evidence compared to semapv:ManualMappingCuration.

There are two kinds of mapping reviews in SSSOM:

  • Review as an independent justification: semapv:MappingReview is an independent process that determines the validity of a mapping.
  • Review of an existing justification: Instead of evaluating an entire mapping, you can record the fact that someone has looked at a specific justification and deemed it acceptable. In this case, simply record the reviewers identify using the reviewer_id or reviewer_label fields.