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The SSSOM/TSV serialisation format

The SSSOM/TSV format is intended as the main format for exchanging SSSOM mapping set objects.

The RECOMMENDED filename extension for a SSSOM/TSV file is .sssom.tsv, but SSSOM/TSV parsers MUST accept SSSOM/TSV files regardless of their extension.


A SSSOM/TSV file contains one, and only one, mapping set object. It is made of two different parts:

  • the metadata block, which contains essentially all the slots of the MappingSet class except the mappings slot;
  • the mappings block (also called the TSV section), which contains the individual mappings.

A SSSOM/TSV file MUST NOT contain anything other than those two blocks.

Metadata block

The metadata block is written as the YAML 1.2 serialisation of the MappingSet object, except that the mappings slot is not included (since it contains the mappings, that are serialised in the mappings block instead).

The metadata block MUST appear at the beginning of the file. Every line of the block MUST be preceded by a # character; the # character MAY be followed by one or several space characters (U+0020) before the YAML content – if so, every line MUST have the same number of space characters.

The metadata block ends with the first line that does not begin with a # character, which marks the beginning of the mappings block.

The metadata block SHOULD only contain the slots that do have a value. SSSOM/TSV writers SHOULD skip slots with no value when serialising the mapping set object.

Multi-valued slots with a single value

As an exception to the standard YAML rules regarding the serialisation of sequences, a multi-valued slot that happens to contain a single value MAY be serialised as a scalar value rather than as sequence containing only one item.

For example, a creator_id slot with the single value ORCID:1111-2222-3333-4444 MAY be serialised as

creator_id: "ORCID:1111-2222-3333-4444"

This is, strictly speaking, invalid according the YAML specification; the correct serialisation would be either

creator_id: [ "ORCID:1111-2222-3333-4444" ]


  - "ORCID:1111-2222-3333-4444"

but the scalar form is frequently found in existing SSSOM/TSV files, so SSSOM/TSV parsers SHOULD accept it. SSSOM/TSV writers SHOULD favour one of the correct YAML serialisations, however.

Forbidden YAML features

The following features of the YAML 1.2 specification MUST NOT be used within the metadata block:

SSSOM/TSV writers MUST NOT generate any of those when writing the metadata block. The expected behaviour of SSSOM/TSV parsers upon encountering them is unspecified.

Mappings block

The mappings block contains the mappings, serialised as a matrix where each line represents an individual mapping and each column (separated by tab characters, U+0009) represents one of the slots of the Mapping class.

The mappings block MUST follow immediately the metadata block within a SSSOM/TSV file. It starts with a header line containing the column names, which are the names of the slots in the Mapping class.

There SHOULD be no empty columns. If none of the mappings in a set has a value for a given slot, that slot SHOULD be skipped when writing the header line and the individual mappings.

Multi-valued slots MUST be serialised as a list of values separated by | characters.


Within the mappings block, the following quoting rules, adapted from RFC 4180, apply:

  1. Any value MAY be enclosed in double quotes (").
  2. Values containing line breaks, double quotes, or tabs (U+0009) MUST be enclosed in double quotes.
  3. When a value is enclosed in double quotes, a double quote appearing within the value MUST be escaped by preceding it with another double quote.

SSSOM/TSV parsers MUST strip any enclosing double quotes and escaping double quotes before passing the parsed objects to the application code.

External metadata mode

The metadata block MAY be stored in a separate file from the TSV section, instead of preceding it in the same file as described above. This is called the external metadata mode (by contrast, when the two blocks are in the same file, this is called the embedded metadata mode).

In external mode, the metadata block follows the same rules as described in the Metadata block section above, except that lines MUST NOT start with a # character.

It is RECOMMENDED that the file containing the metadata block has the same basename as the file containing the TSV section, with a .sssom.yml extension.

When an external metadata file is used, the file containing the TSV section MUST NOT contain anything else than the TSV section. That is, the first line of that file MUST be the header line containing the column names.

Implementations SHOULD support reading SSSOM/TSV files in external metadata mode; they MAY support writing SSSOM/TSV files in that mode.


SSSOM/TSV files MUST be encoded in UTF-8 (RFC 3629). They MUST NOT start with a byte order mark (U+FEFF). This applies to external metadata files as well, when the external metadata mode is used.


All identifiers in a SSSOM/TSV file, that is, all the values of slots typed as EntityReference, MUST be serialised in CURIE syntax. SSSOM/TSV parsers SHOULD reject files containing identifiers serialised as IRIs.

As stated in the description of the model (Identifiers section), all prefix names used in CURIEs MUST be declared in the curie_map slot of the mapping set object, unless the prefix is a “built-in” prefix (in which case it MAY be omitted). SSSOM/TSV parsers MUST reject a file with undeclared, non-built-in prefix names.

A SSSOM/TSV writer SHOULD refuse to serialise a mapping set that contains IRIs that cannot be contracted into CURIEs because there is no suitable prefix declaration in its CURIE map. The use of a custom, ad-hoc logic to infer a possible prefix name where none has been provided (e.g., “if the IRI ends with a ZZZ_NNNNNNN pattern, turn it into a ZZZ:NNNNNNN CURIE”) is strongly discouraged.

Propagatable slots

As explained in another section, some slots in the MappingSet class are intended, not to describe the mapping set itself, but to store values that are shared by all mappings in the set. These slots are called the “propagatable slots”, because their values should be “propagated” from the mapping set down to the individual mappings.


“Propagation” is the operation of assigning to individual mappings in a set the values from the propagatable slots of the set. That operation SHOULD be performed by a SSSOM/TSV parser before passing the parsed objects to the application code.

For any given propagatable slot, propagation is only allowed if none of the individual mappings already have their own value in that slot. If any mapping (even only one mapping) has a value in that slot, then the slot MUST be considered as non-propagatable. Otherwise, a propagating SSSOM/TSV parser MUST (1) copy over the value of the propagatable slot on the MappingSet object to the corresponding slot of every individual Mapping objects, and (2) remove the propagated value from the MappingSet object.

Implementations that support propagation MUST also support condensation.


“Condensation” is the opposite of “propagation”. It is the operation of assigning common values to the propagatable slots of the set, based on the values of these slots on individual mappings. That operation SHOULD be performed by a SSSOM/TSV writer prior to writing a set into a SSSOM/TSV file, but that behaviour, if available, MUST be deactivatable.

For any given propagatable slot, condensation is only allowed if (1) all mappings in the set have the same value, and (2) the mapping set does not already have a value in the slot, unless that value happens to be the same as the value in all mappings. If those two conditions are met, then a condensating SSSOM/TSV writer MUST (1) set the value of the slot on the MappingSet object to the common value of the slot in all mappings, and (2) remove the condensed value from the individual Mapping object.

Implementations that support condensation MUST also support propagation.

Non-standard slots

If an implementation does not support non-standard slots, then:

  • a SSSOM/TSV reader MUST discard any unknown top-level YAML key in the metadata block, and any unknown TSV column in the TSV section;
  • a SSSOM/TSV writer MUST NOT write any unknown top-level YAML key in the metadata block, or any unknown TSV column in the TSV section.

Support for defined extensions

This section applies to implementations that supports defined extensions.

A SSSOM/TSV reader MUST check the validity of the extension definitions listed in the extension_definitions slot in the YAML metadata block:

  • definitions with no slot_name, or with a slot_name that is not a XML non-colonized name, MUST be ignored;
  • definitions with any unexpected content (e.g. other keys than just slot_name, property, and type_hint) MUST be ignored;
  • the property and type_hint values for a given definition, if present, MUST be CURIEs and MUST be resolvable using the mapping set’s curie_map, otherwise the definition MUST be ignored.

A SSSOM/TSV reader MUST, upon encountering a non-standard YAML key in the metadata block or an unknown TSV column, check that the name of the key or of the column matches the slot_name of one of the extension definitions listed in the mapping set’s extension_definitions slot. If there is no match, the non-standard slot MUST be discarded.

Upon encountering a non-standard slot whose corresponding definition has a type_hint of, the reader SHOULD check that the value is a CURIE and is resolvable using the mapping set’s curie_map.

Compatibility with previous versions of the specification

Implementations MUST support the current version of the specification. However, SSSOM/TSV parsers MAY additionally accept to parse files that were compliant to a previous version. This section provides advice for implementations willing to support older versions.

Compatibility with pre-1.0 versions

match_type slot

Initial versions of this specification defined a match_type slot on the Mapping class. The slot was intended to describe the kind of match that led to the mapping, and accepted values from a specific enumeration. In SSSOM 0.9.1, this slot was replaced by the mapping_justification slot, and the enumeration was replaced by terms from the SEMAPV vocabulary.

Upon encountering a match_type slot, implementations supporting pre-1.0 versions MUST silently transform it into a mapping_justification slot and convert the enumeration values using the following table:

match_type value mapping_justification value
Lexical semapv:LexicalMatching
Logical semapv:LogicalMatching
HumanCurated semapv:ManualMappingCuration
Complex semapv:CompositeMatching
Unspecified semapv:UnspecifiedMatching
SemanticSimilarity semapv:SemanticSimilarityThresholdMatching

Any other value in the match_type slot MUST be treated as an error.

If the set contains both match_type and mapping_justification slots, it is advised to simply ignore the former.

match_term_type slot

Initial versions of this specification defined a match_term_type slot on the Mapping class. The slot was intended to describe what was being matched. In SSSOM 0.9.1, this slot was replaced by two distinct slots called subject_type and object_type (this notably allowed for the case where the subject and the object are of a different type, something the match_term_type slot did not support).

Upon encountering a match_term_type slot, implementations supporting pre-1.0 versions MUST silently transform it into a pair of subject_type and object_type slots, both slots having the same value derived from the original value using the following table:

match_term_type value subject_type and object_type value
ConceptMatch skos concept
ClassMatch owl class
ObjectPropertyMatch owl object property
IndividualMatch owl named individual
DataPropertyMatch owl data property
TermMatch rdfs literal

Any other value in the match_term_type slot MUST be treated as an error.

If the set already contains subject_type and object_type slots, any match_term_type slot can be silently ignored.

semantic_similarity_score and semantic_similarity_measure

Initial versions of this specification defined a semantic_similarity_score slot to store the semantic similarity, and a semantic_similarity_measure slot to describe how the the semantic similarity is assessed. In SSSOM 1.0, those slots were replaced by more generic similarity_score and similarity_measure slots.

Upon encountering a semantic_similarity_score (respectively semantic_similarity_measure) slot, implementations supporting pre-1.0 versions MUST silently transform it into a similarity_score (respectively similarity_measure) slot. No changes on the value of the slot are required.

Canonical SSSOM/TSV format

This section defines a “canonical” variant of the SSSOM/TSV format, which has stricter serialisation rules. The purpose of the canonical SSSOM/TSV format is to minimise differences across SSSOM/TSV files that would be induced by small diverging behaviours between different SSSOM/TSV implementations.

The rules in this section apply to SSSOM/TSV writers only. SSSOM/TSV writers SHOULD write files in the canonical format, but SSSOM/TSV readers MUST NOT reject a file solely because it does not follow the canonical rules.

General rules

A canonical SSSOM/TSV writer:

  • MUST use line breaks made of only the U+000A character (no U+000D, and no U+000D + U+000A sequences);
  • MUST condense the slots whenever possible, as described in the Condensation section.

Rules for the metadata block

When writing the metadata block, a canonical SSSOM/TSV writer:

  • MUST embed the metadata block in the same file as the TSV section (no external metadata);
  • MUST NOT insert additional space characters between the initial # character and the YAML content;
  • MUST serialise multi-valued slots as YAML “block sequences” (YAML Specification §8.2.1) – even when the list of values contains only one item;
  • MUST serialise scalar values in YAML “plain style” (YAML Specification §7.3.3) whenever possible, otherwise in “double-quoted style” (YAML Specification §7.3.1);
  • MUST serialise the slots in the order they appear in the “Slots” table, in the documentation for the MappingSet class;
  • MUST NOT include in the CURIE map the prefix names that are considered “built-in”;
  • MUST NOT include in the CURIE map any prefix name that is not used anywhere in the set;
  • MUST sort the prefix names in the CURIE map in lexicographical order.

In addition, if extension slots are supported, the writer:

  • MUST write any extension slot in the mapping set after the standard slots;
  • MUST sort the extension slots lexicographically on the property of their corresponding extension definitions;
  • MUST sort extension definitions on their property value;
  • MUST not include an extension definition if the corresponding extension is not used anywhere in the set.

Rules for the mappings block

When writing the mappings block, a canonical SSSOM/TSV writer:

  • MUST quote values only when needed, as per the rules in the Quoting section;
  • MUST serialise floating point values with up to three digits as needed after the decimal point, rounding the last digit to the nearest neighbour (rounding up if both neighbours are equidistant);
  • MUST write the columns in the order the slots appear in the “Slots” table, in the documentation for the Mapping class;
  • MUST sort the mappings in lexicographical order on all their slots, in the order the slots appear in the “Slots” table.

In addition, if extension slots are supported, the writer:

  • MUST write any non-standard column after the standard columns;
  • MUST sort the non-standard column lexicographically on the property of their corresponding extension definitions.


This section is non-normative.

A SSSOM/TSV file in embedded metadata mode:

#  orcid:
#mapping_set_description: Manually curated alignment of KEWL FOODIE INC internal food and nutrition database with Food Ontology (FOODON). Intended to be used for ontological analysis and grouping of KEWL FOODIE INC related data.
#mapping_date: 2022-05-02
subject_id  subject_label   predicate_id    object_id   object_label    mapping_justification   author_id   confidence  comment
KF_FOOD:F001    apple   skos:exactMatch FOODON:00002473 apple (whole)   semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   0.95    "We could map to FOODON:03310788 instead to cover sliced apples, but only ""whole"" apple types exist."
KF_FOOD:F002    gala    skos:exactMatch FOODON:00003348 Gala apple (whole)  semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   1   
KF_FOOD:F003    pink    skos:exactMatch FOODON:00004186 Pink apple (whole)  semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   0.9 "We could map to FOODON:00004187 instead which more specifically refers to ""raw"" Pink apples. Decided against to be consistent with other mapping choices."
KF_FOOD:F004    braeburn    skos:broadMatch FOODON:00002473 apple (whole)   semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   1   

The same set in external metadata mode: first the file containing the metadata block:

mapping_set_description: Manually curated alignment of KEWL FOODIE INC internal food and nutrition database with Food Ontology (FOODON). Intended to be used for ontological analysis and grouping of KEWL FOODIE INC related data.
mapping_date: 2022-05-02

then the file containing the mappings block:

subject_id  subject_label   predicate_id    object_id   object_label    mapping_justification   author_id   confidence  comment
KF_FOOD:F001    apple   skos:exactMatch FOODON:00002473 apple (whole)   semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   0.95    "We could map to FOODON:03310788 instead to cover sliced apples, but only ""whole"" apple types exist."
KF_FOOD:F002    gala    skos:exactMatch FOODON:00003348 Gala apple (whole)  semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   1   
KF_FOOD:F003    pink    skos:exactMatch FOODON:00004186 Pink apple (whole)  semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   0.9 "We could map to FOODON:00004187 instead which more specifically refers to ""raw"" Pink apples. Decided against to be consistent with other mapping choices."
KF_FOOD:F004    braeburn    skos:broadMatch FOODON:00002473 apple (whole)   semapv:ManualMappingCuration    orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779   1   

Invalid examples

Illegal case 1: the metadata block cannot contains comments that are not part of the metadata.

# This is a comment that does not belong here.
#  HP: ""
#  MP: ""
#  orcid: ""
# This is another comment that also does not belong here.
#  - "orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779"

Illegal case 2: there should be no empty lines.

#  HP: ""
#  MP: ""
#  orcid: ""

#  - "orcid:0000-0002-7356-1779"