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The OWL/RDF serialisation format

This section defines a way to serialise SSSOM mappings as reified OWL axioms. This has the advantage that any mapping set can be simply merged with an ontology in the usual way, for example using ROBOT merge.

The OWL/RDF serialisation rules deal with three types of reified OWL axioms, and a few sub-types:

  1. Predicate is an annotation property
  2. Predicate is an object property and
  3. Object/Subject are classes
  4. Object/Subject are individuals
  5. Predicate is language relational construct of RDFS or OWL (rdfs:subClassOf, owl:equivalentClass)

Predicate is an annotation property:

If the predicate corresponds to an annotation property, the mapping <S,P,O, meta> gets converted to an OWLAnnotationAssertion axiom: OWLAnnotationAssertion(P,S,O). All mapping level metadata (meta) gets converted into OWLAnnotation objects which are materialised as axiom annotations on the mapping annotation assertion, see OWL 2 Structural Specification:

AnnotationAssertion(meta P, S, O)

Where meta is a sequence of OWL Annotations objects like:

Annotation(Q1,V1) Annotation(Q2,V2) ... Annotation(Qn,Vn)

where Qi is a SSSOM metadata slot and Vi is an annotation value.

Note that if a SSSOM metadata element value is a list L (i.e. can have multiple elements, such as creator and others), individual annotations are created for each of them:

Annotation(Q,V) for all V in L.


AnnotationAssertion(Annotation(sssom:creator_id <>) Annotation(sssom:mapping_justification semapv:LexicalMatching) skos:exactMatch <> <>)

Mapping set level annotations are manifested as Ontology annotation in the usual way, according to the OWL 2 Structural Specification.

Predicate is an object property

Case 1: Object and Subject are classes.

The mapping <S,P,O> gets translated into an existential restriction:

SubclassOf(S, P some O)

All metadata slots are added as OWLAnnotation objects and added to SubclassOf axiom as axiom annotations:

SubclassOf(meta, S, P some O)


SubClassOf(Annotation(sssom:creator_id <>) Annotation(sssom:mapping_justification semapv:LexicalMatching) <> ObjectSomeValuesFrom(<> <>))

Case 2: Object and Subject are individuals

The mapping <S,P,O> gets translated into an object property assertion:

ObjectPropertyAssertion(P, S, O)

All metadata slots are added as OWLAnnotation objects and added to ObjectPropertyAssertion axiom as axiom annotations:

ObjectPropertyAssertion(meta, P, S, O)


ObjectPropertyAssertion(Annotation(sssom:creator_id <>) Annotation(sssom:mapping_justification semapv:LexicalMatching) <> <> <>)

Predicate is language relational construct of RDFS or OWL

The mapping <S,P,O, meta> gets translated into an annotated axiom using the following table:

Mapping predicate Generated axiom
owl:equivalentClass EauivalentClass(meta, S, O)
rdfs:subClassOf SubClassOf(meta, S, O)


SubClassOf(Annotation(sssom:creator_id <>) Annotation(sssom:mapping_justification semapv:LexicalMatching) <> <>)