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The Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM) is a community-driven project which has received support from many different sources. We list the most important ones in the following.

Volunteering efforts

A huge fraction of the work on SSSOM has been done by volunteers without dedicated grant support. We hereby acknowledge their contributions as being absolutely essential. A selection of amazing contributions (by no means exhaustive):

Phenomics First (NIH / NHGRI #1RM1HG010860-01)

A lot of the groundwork of SSSOM was done to support a disease mapping project as part of the Mondo Disease Ontology, which included, but was not limited to:

  • Creation of a basic metadata model
  • Implementation of validation and parsing methods in sssom-py
  • Generating training materials
  • Organising workshops
  • Outreach activties to clinical communities such as OHDSI

The grant was awared to members of the Monarch Initiative.

Monarch (NIH / OD #5R24OD011883)

To support development of cross-species mappings and knowledge graph integration for the Monarch Knowledge Graph, a few new features had to be supported:

The grant was awared to members of the Monarch Initiative.

Bosch Gift to LBNL

A lot of the work on tooling was supported by a Bosch Gift to the Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory (Chris Mungall group). We thank Bosch for their generous support which helped us with the following:

  • Implementation of conversion and testing methods in sssom-py
  • The development of training materials
  • The development of specialised matching tools such as OAK lexmatch which provided the first implementation of the SSSOM standard in a matching tool.

DARPA: Young Faculty Award W911NF2010255

A huge amount of refactoring of sssom-py and development best practices, as well as training materials, was provided through this grant (awared to Benjamin M. Gyori). Other contributions include work on the Semantic mapping reasoner and assembler