import logging
from typing import Callable, List, Mapping
from jsonschema import ValidationError
from linkml.validator import ValidationReport, Validator
from linkml.validator.plugins import JsonschemaValidationPlugin
from linkml.validator.report import Severity, ValidationResult
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import json_dumper
from sssom.parsers import to_mapping_set_document
from sssom.util import MappingSetDataFrame, get_all_prefixes
from .constants import SCHEMA_YAML, SchemaValidationType, _get_sssom_schema_object
def validate(
msdf: MappingSetDataFrame,
validation_types: List[SchemaValidationType],
fail_on_error: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Validate SSSOM files against `sssom-schema` using linkML's validator function.
:param msdf: MappingSetDataFrame.
:param validation_types: SchemaValidationType
:param fail_on_error: If true, throw an error when execution of a method has failed
for vt in validation_types:
VALIDATION_METHODS[vt](msdf, fail_on_error)
def print_linkml_report(report: ValidationReport, fail_on_error: bool = True):
"""Print the error messages in the report. Optionally throw exception.
:param report: A LinkML validation report
:param fail_on_error: if true, the function will throw an ValidationError exception when there are errors
validation_errors = 0
if not report.results:
logging.info("The instance is valid!")
for result in report.results:
validation_errors += 1
if (result.severity == Severity.FATAL) or (result.severity == Severity.ERROR):
elif result.severity == Severity.WARN:
elif result.severity == Severity.INFO:
if fail_on_error and validation_errors:
raise ValidationError(f"You mapping set has {validation_errors} validation errors!")
# TODO This should not be necessary: https://github.com/linkml/linkml/issues/2117,
# https://github.com/orgs/linkml/discussions/1975
def _clean_dict(d):
"""Recursively removes key-value pairs from a dictionary where the value is None, "null", or an empty string.
d (dict): The dictionary to clean.
dict: A cleaned dictionary with unwanted values removed.
if not isinstance(d, dict):
return d
cleaned_dict = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
# Recursively clean nested dictionary
cleaned_value = _clean_dict(v)
if cleaned_value: # Add only if the nested dictionary is not empty
cleaned_dict[k] = cleaned_value
elif isinstance(v, list):
# Recursively clean list elements if they are dictionaries
cleaned_list = [_clean_dict(item) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in v]
# Filter out empty dictionaries from list
cleaned_list = [item for item in cleaned_list if item not in [None, "", "null", {}]]
if cleaned_list: # Add only if the list is not empty
cleaned_dict[k] = cleaned_list
elif v not in [None, "", "null"]:
cleaned_dict[k] = v
return cleaned_dict
def validate_json_schema(msdf: MappingSetDataFrame, fail_on_error: bool = True) -> None:
"""Validate JSON Schema using linkml's JsonSchemaDataValidator.
:param msdf: MappingSetDataFrame to eb validated.
:param fail_on_error: if true, the function will throw an ValidationError exception when there are errors
validator = Validator(
mapping_set = to_mapping_set_document(msdf).mapping_set
# mapping_set_yaml = asdict(mapping_set)
# mapping_set_dict = _clean_dict(mapping_set_yaml)
mapping_set_dict = json_dumper.to_dict(mapping_set)
report = validator.validate(mapping_set_dict, "mapping set")
print_linkml_report(report, fail_on_error)
def validate_shacl(msdf: MappingSetDataFrame, fail_on_error: bool = True) -> None:
"""Validate SCHACL file.
:param msdf: TODO: https://github.com/linkml/linkml/issues/850 .
:param fail_on_error: if true, the function will throw an ValidationError exception when there are errors
:raises NotImplementedError: Not yet implemented.
raise NotImplementedError
def validate_sparql(msdf: MappingSetDataFrame, fail_on_error: bool = True) -> None:
"""Validate SPARQL file.
:param msdf: MappingSetDataFrame
:param fail_on_error: if true, the function will throw an ValidationError exception when there are errors
:raises NotImplementedError: Not yet implemented.
# queries = {}
# validator = SparqlDataValidator(SCHEMA_YAML,queries=queries)
# mapping_set = to_mapping_set_document(msdf).mapping_set
# TODO: Complete this function
raise NotImplementedError
def check_all_prefixes_in_curie_map(msdf: MappingSetDataFrame, fail_on_error: bool = True) -> None:
"""Check all `EntityReference` slots are mentioned in 'curie_map'.
:param msdf: MappingSetDataFrame
:param fail_on_error: if true, the function will throw an ValidationError exception when there are errors
:raises ValidationError: If all prefixes not in curie_map.
missing_prefixes = get_all_prefixes(msdf).difference(msdf.converter.bimap)
validation_results = []
for prefix in missing_prefixes:
type="prefix validation",
message=f"Missing prefix: {prefix}",
report = ValidationReport(results=validation_results)
print_linkml_report(report, fail_on_error)
VALIDATION_METHODS: Mapping[SchemaValidationType, Callable] = {
SchemaValidationType.JsonSchema: validate_json_schema,
SchemaValidationType.Shacl: validate_shacl,
SchemaValidationType.Sparql: validate_sparql,
SchemaValidationType.PrefixMapCompleteness: check_all_prefixes_in_curie_map,
SchemaValidationType.StrictCurieFormat: check_strict_curie_format,