Source code for sssom.util

"""Utility functions."""

import itertools as itt
import json
import logging as _logging
import os
import re
from collections import ChainMap, defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import partial, reduce
from pathlib import Path
from string import punctuation
from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Set, TextIO, Tuple, Union

import curies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import validators
import yaml
from curies import Converter
from jsonschema import ValidationError
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.types import Uriorcurie
from sssom_schema import Mapping as SSSOM_Mapping
from sssom_schema import MappingSet, slots

from .constants import (
from .context import (
from .sssom_document import MappingSetDocument

logging = _logging.getLogger(__name__)



#: The 4 columns whose combination would be used as primary keys while merging/grouping

# ! This will be unnecessary when pandas >= 3.0.0 is released
# !
# A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
pd.options.mode.copy_on_write = True
# Get the version of pandas as a tuple of integers
pandas_version = tuple(map(int, pd.__version__.split(".")))

[docs]@dataclass class MappingSetDataFrame: """A collection of mappings represented as a DataFrame, together with additional metadata.""" df: pd.DataFrame converter: Converter = field(default_factory=get_converter) metadata: MetadataType = field(default_factory=get_default_metadata) @property def prefix_map(self): """Get a simple, bijective prefix map.""" return self.converter.bimap
[docs] @classmethod def with_converter( cls, converter: Converter, df: pd.DataFrame, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, ) -> "MappingSetDataFrame": """Instantiate with a converter instead of a vanilla prefix map.""" # TODO replace with regular instantiation return cls( df=df, converter=converter, metadata=metadata or get_default_metadata(), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_mappings( cls, mappings: List[SSSOM_Mapping], *, converter: ConverterHint = None, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, ) -> "MappingSetDataFrame": """Instantiate from a list of mappings, mapping set metadata, and an optional converter.""" # This combines multiple pieces of metadata in the following priority order: # 1. The explicitly given metadata passed to from_mappings() # 2. The default metadata (which includes a dummy license and mapping set URI) chained_metadata = ChainMap( metadata or {}, get_default_metadata(), ) mapping_set = MappingSet(mappings=mappings, **chained_metadata) return cls.from_mapping_set(mapping_set=mapping_set, converter=converter)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mapping_set( cls, mapping_set: MappingSet, *, converter: ConverterHint = None ) -> "MappingSetDataFrame": """Instantiate from a mapping set and an optional converter. :param mapping_set: A mapping set :param converter: A prefix map or pre-instantiated converter. If none given, uses a default prefix map derived from the Bioregistry. :returns: A mapping set dataframe """ doc = MappingSetDocument(converter=ensure_converter(converter), mapping_set=mapping_set) return cls.from_mapping_set_document(doc)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mapping_set_document(cls, doc: MappingSetDocument) -> "MappingSetDataFrame": """Instantiate from a mapping set document.""" if doc.mapping_set.mappings is None: return cls(df=pd.DataFrame(), converter=doc.converter) df = pd.DataFrame(get_dict_from_mapping(mapping) for mapping in doc.mapping_set.mappings) meta = _extract_global_metadata(doc) if pandas_version >= (2, 0, 0): # For pandas >= 2.0.0, use the 'copy' parameter df = df.infer_objects(copy=False) else: # For pandas < 2.0.0, call 'infer_objects()' without any parameters df = df.infer_objects() # remove columns where all values are blank. df.replace("", np.nan, inplace=True) df.dropna(axis=1, how="all", inplace=True) # remove columns with all row = 'None'-s. slots = _get_sssom_schema_object().dict["slots"] slots_with_double_as_range = { slot for slot, slot_metadata in slots.items() if slot_metadata["range"] == "double" } non_double_cols = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(slots_with_double_as_range)] if pandas_version >= (2, 0, 0): # For pandas >= 2.0.0, use the 'copy' parameter non_double_cols = non_double_cols.infer_objects(copy=False) else: # For pandas < 2.0.0, call 'infer_objects()' without any parameters non_double_cols = non_double_cols.infer_objects() non_double_cols.replace(np.nan, "", inplace=True) df.update(non_double_cols) df = sort_df_rows_columns(df) return cls.with_converter(df=df, converter=doc.converter, metadata=meta)
[docs] def to_mapping_set_document(self) -> "MappingSetDocument": """Get a mapping set document.""" from .parsers import to_mapping_set_document return to_mapping_set_document(self)
[docs] def to_mapping_set(self) -> MappingSet: """Get a mapping set.""" return self.to_mapping_set_document().mapping_set
[docs] def to_mappings(self) -> List[SSSOM_Mapping]: """Get a mapping set.""" return self.to_mapping_set().mappings
[docs] def clean_context(self) -> None: """Clean up the context.""" self.converter = curies.chain([_get_built_in_prefix_map(), self.converter])
[docs] def standardize_references(self) -> None: """Standardize this MSDF's dataframe and metadata with respect to its converter.""" self._standardize_metadata_references() self._standardize_df_references()
def _standardize_df_references(self) -> None: """Standardize this MSDF's dataframe with respect to its converter.""" func = partial(_standardize_curie_or_iri, converter=self.converter) for column, schema_data in _get_sssom_schema_object().dict["slots"].items(): if schema_data["range"] != "EntityReference": continue if column not in self.df.columns: continue self.df[column] = self.df[column].map(func) def _standardize_metadata_references(self, *, raise_on_invalid: bool = False) -> None: """Standardize this MSDF's metadata with respect to its converter.""" _standardize_metadata( converter=self.converter, metadata=self.metadata, raise_on_invalid=raise_on_invalid )
[docs] def merge(self, *msdfs: "MappingSetDataFrame", inplace: bool = True) -> "MappingSetDataFrame": """Merge two MappingSetDataframes. :param msdfs: Multiple/Single MappingSetDataFrame(s) to merge with self :param inplace: If true, msdf2 is merged into the calling MappingSetDataFrame, if false, it simply return the merged data frame. :return: Merged MappingSetDataFrame """ msdf = merge_msdf(self, *msdfs) if inplace: self.df = msdf.df self.converter = msdf.converter self.metadata = msdf.metadata return self else: return msdf
def __str__(self) -> str: # noqa:D105 description = "SSSOM data table \n" description += f"Number of extended prefix map records: {len(self.converter.records)} \n" description += f"Metadata: {json.dumps(self.metadata)} \n" description += f"Number of mappings: {len(self.df.index)} \n" description += "\nFirst rows of data: \n" description += self.df.head().to_string() + "\n" description += "\nLast rows of data: \n" description += self.df.tail().to_string() + "\n" return description
[docs] def clean_prefix_map(self, strict: bool = True) -> None: """ Remove unused prefixes from the internal prefix map based on the internal dataframe. :param strict: Boolean if True, errors out if all prefixes in dataframe are not listed in the 'curie_map'. :raises ValueError: If prefixes absent in 'curie_map' and strict flag = True """ prefixes_in_table = get_prefixes_used_in_table(self.df, converter=self.converter) if self.metadata: prefixes_in_table.update(get_prefixes_used_in_metadata(self.metadata)) missing_prefixes = prefixes_in_table - self.converter.get_prefixes() if missing_prefixes and strict: raise ValueError( f"{missing_prefixes} are used in the SSSOM mapping set but it does not exist in the prefix map" ) subconverter = self.converter.get_subconverter(prefixes_in_table) for prefix in missing_prefixes: subconverter.add_prefix(prefix, f"{UNKNOWN_IRI}{prefix.lower()}/") self.converter = subconverter
[docs] def remove_mappings(self, msdf: "MappingSetDataFrame") -> None: """Remove mappings in right msdf from left msdf. :param msdf: MappingSetDataframe object to be removed from primary msdf object. """ merge_on = KEY_FEATURES.copy() if PREDICATE_MODIFIER not in self.df.columns: merge_on.remove(PREDICATE_MODIFIER) self.df = ( pd.merge( self.df, msdf.df, on=merge_on, how="outer", suffixes=("", "_2"), indicator=True, ) .query("_merge == 'left_only'") .drop("_merge", axis=1) .reset_index(drop=True) ) self.df = self.df[self.df.columns.drop(list(self.df.filter(regex=r"_2")))] self.clean_prefix_map()
def _standardize_curie_or_iri(curie_or_iri: str, *, converter: Converter) -> str: """Standardize a CURIE or IRI, returning the original if not possible. :param curie_or_iri: Either a string representing a CURIE or an IRI :returns: - If the string represents an IRI, tries to standardize it. If not possible, returns the original value - If the string represents a CURIE, tries to standardize it. If not possible, returns the original value - Otherwise, return the original value """ return converter.compress_or_standardize(curie_or_iri, passthrough=True) def _standardize_metadata( converter: Converter, metadata: Dict[str, Any], *, raise_on_invalid: bool = False ) -> None: schema_object = _get_sssom_schema_object() slots_dict = schema_object.dict["slots"] # remove all falsy values. This has to be # done this way and not by making a new object # since we work in place for k, v in list(metadata.items()): if not k or not v: del metadata[k] for key, value in metadata.items(): slot_metadata = slots_dict.get(key) if slot_metadata is None: text = f"invalid metadata key {key}" if raise_on_invalid: raise ValueError(text) logging.warning(text) continue if slot_metadata["range"] != "EntityReference": continue if is_multivalued_slot(key): if isinstance(value, str): metadata[key] = [ _standardize_curie_or_iri(v.strip(), converter=converter) for v in value.split("|") ] elif isinstance(value, list): metadata[key] = [_standardize_curie_or_iri(v, converter=converter) for v in value] else: raise TypeError(f"{key} requires either a string or a list, got: {value}") elif isinstance(value, list): print("here") if len(value) > 1: raise TypeError( f"value for {key} should have been a single value, but got a list: {value}" ) print("also here") # note that the scenario len(value) == 0 is already # taken care of by the "if not value:" line above metadata[key] = _standardize_curie_or_iri(value[0], converter=converter) else: metadata[key] = _standardize_curie_or_iri(value, converter=converter)
[docs]@dataclass class EntityPair: """ A tuple of entities. Note that (e1,e2) == (e2,e1) """ subject_entity: Uriorcurie object_entity: Uriorcurie def __hash__(self) -> int: # noqa:D105 if self.subject_entity <= self.object_entity: t = self.subject_entity, self.object_entity else: t = self.object_entity, self.subject_entity return hash(t)
[docs]@dataclass class MappingSetDiff: """ Represents a difference between two mapping sets. Currently this is limited to diffs at the level of entity-pairs. For example, if file1 has A owl:equivalentClass B, and file2 has A skos:closeMatch B, this is considered a mapping in common. """ unique_tuples1: Optional[Set[EntityPair]] = None unique_tuples2: Optional[Set[EntityPair]] = None common_tuples: Optional[Set[EntityPair]] = None combined_dataframe: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None """ Dataframe that combines with left and right dataframes with information injected into the comment column """
[docs]def parse(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse a TSV to a pandas frame.""""Parsing {filename}") return pd.read_csv(filename, sep="\t", comment="#")
[docs]def collapse(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Collapse rows with same S/P/O and combines confidence.""" df2 = df.groupby([SUBJECT_ID, PREDICATE_ID, OBJECT_ID])[CONFIDENCE].apply(max).reset_index() return df2
[docs]def sort_sssom(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Sort SSSOM by columns. :param df: SSSOM DataFrame to be sorted. :return: Sorted SSSOM DataFrame """ df.sort_values(by=sorted(df.columns), ascending=False, inplace=True) return df
[docs]def filter_redundant_rows(df: pd.DataFrame, ignore_predicate: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Remove rows if there is another row with same S/O and higher confidence. :param df: Pandas DataFrame to filter :param ignore_predicate: If true, the predicate_id column is ignored, defaults to False :return: Filtered pandas DataFrame """ # tie-breaker # create a 'sort' method and then replce the following line by sort() df = sort_sssom(df) # df[CONFIDENCE] = df[CONFIDENCE].apply(lambda x: x + random.random() / 10000) confidence_in_original = CONFIDENCE in df.columns df, nan_df = assign_default_confidence(df) if ignore_predicate: key = [SUBJECT_ID, OBJECT_ID] else: key = [SUBJECT_ID, OBJECT_ID, PREDICATE_ID] dfmax: pd.DataFrame dfmax = df.groupby(key, as_index=False)[CONFIDENCE].apply(max).drop_duplicates() max_conf: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], float] = {} for _, row in dfmax.iterrows(): if ignore_predicate: max_conf[(row[SUBJECT_ID], row[OBJECT_ID])] = row[CONFIDENCE] else: max_conf[(row[SUBJECT_ID], row[OBJECT_ID], row[PREDICATE_ID])] = row[CONFIDENCE] if ignore_predicate: df = df[ df.apply( lambda x: x[CONFIDENCE] >= max_conf[(x[SUBJECT_ID], x[OBJECT_ID])], axis=1, ) ] else: df = df[ df.apply( lambda x: x[CONFIDENCE] >= max_conf[(x[SUBJECT_ID], x[OBJECT_ID], x[PREDICATE_ID])], axis=1, ) ] # We are preserving confidence = NaN rows without making assumptions. # This means that there are potential duplicate mappings # FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and # will be removed from pandas in a future version. # Use pandas.concat instead. # return_df = df.append(nan_df).drop_duplicates() confidence_reconciled_df = pd.concat([df, nan_df]).drop_duplicates() # Reconciling dataframe rows based on the predicates with equal confidence. if PREDICATE_MODIFIER in confidence_reconciled_df.columns: tmp_df = confidence_reconciled_df[ [SUBJECT_ID, OBJECT_ID, PREDICATE_ID, CONFIDENCE, PREDICATE_MODIFIER] ] tmp_df = tmp_df[tmp_df[PREDICATE_MODIFIER] != PREDICATE_MODIFIER_NOT].drop( PREDICATE_MODIFIER, axis=1 ) else: tmp_df = confidence_reconciled_df[[SUBJECT_ID, OBJECT_ID, PREDICATE_ID, CONFIDENCE]] tmp_df_grp = tmp_df.groupby([SUBJECT_ID, OBJECT_ID, CONFIDENCE], as_index=False).count() tmp_df_grp = tmp_df_grp[tmp_df_grp[PREDICATE_ID] > 1].drop(PREDICATE_ID, axis=1) non_predicate_reconciled_df = ( confidence_reconciled_df.merge( tmp_df_grp, on=list(tmp_df_grp.columns), how="left", indicator=True ) .query('_merge == "left_only"') .drop(columns="_merge") ) multiple_predicate_df = ( confidence_reconciled_df.merge( tmp_df_grp, on=list(tmp_df_grp.columns), how="right", indicator=True ) .query('_merge == "both"') .drop(columns="_merge") ) return_df = non_predicate_reconciled_df for _, row in tmp_df_grp.iterrows(): logic_df = multiple_predicate_df[list(tmp_df_grp.columns)] == row concerned_row_index = logic_df[logic_df[list(tmp_df_grp.columns)]].dropna().index concerned_df = multiple_predicate_df.iloc[concerned_row_index] # Go down the hierarchical list of PREDICATE_LIST and grab the first match return_df = pd.concat( [get_row_based_on_hierarchy(concerned_df), return_df], axis=0 ).drop_duplicates() if not confidence_in_original: return_df = return_df.drop(columns=[CONFIDENCE], axis=1) return return_df
[docs]def get_row_based_on_hierarchy(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get row based on hierarchy of predicates. The hierarchy is as follows: # owl:equivalentClass # owl:equivalentProperty # rdfs:subClassOf # rdfs:subPropertyOf # owl:sameAs # skos:exactMatch # skos:closeMatch # skos:broadMatch # skos:narrowMatch # oboInOwl:hasDbXref # skos:relatedMatch # rdfs:seeAlso :param df: Dataframe containing multiple predicates for same subject and object. :return: Dataframe with a single row which ranks higher in the hierarchy. :raises KeyError: if no rows are available """ for pred in PREDICATE_LIST: hierarchical_df = df[df[PREDICATE_ID] == pred] if not hierarchical_df.empty: return hierarchical_df raise KeyError
[docs]def assign_default_confidence( df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """Assign :data:`numpy.nan` to confidence that are blank. :param df: SSSOM DataFrame :return: A Tuple consisting of the original DataFrame and dataframe consisting of empty confidence values. """ # Get rows having numpy.NaN as confidence if df is None: ValueError("DataFrame cannot be empty to 'assign_default_confidence'.") new_df = df.copy() if CONFIDENCE not in new_df.columns: new_df[CONFIDENCE] = 0.0 # np.NaN nan_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=new_df.columns) else: new_df = df[~df[CONFIDENCE].isna()] nan_df = df[df[CONFIDENCE].isna()] return new_df, nan_df
[docs]def remove_unmatched(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Remove rows where no match is found. TODO: :param df: Pandas DataFrame :return: Pandas DataFrame with 'PREDICATE_ID' not 'noMatch'. """ return df[df[PREDICATE_ID] != "noMatch"]
[docs]def create_entity(identifier: str, mappings: Dict[str, Any]) -> Uriorcurie: """ Create an Entity object. :param identifier: Entity Id :param mappings: Mapping dictionary :return: An Entity object """ entity = Uriorcurie(identifier) # Entity(id=identifier) for key, value in mappings.items(): if key in entity: entity[key] = value return entity
[docs]def group_mappings(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[EntityPair, List[pd.Series]]: """Group mappings by EntityPairs.""" mappings: DefaultDict[EntityPair, List[pd.Series]] = defaultdict(list) for _, row in df.iterrows(): subject_entity = create_entity( identifier=row[SUBJECT_ID], mappings={ "label": SUBJECT_LABEL, "category": SUBJECT_CATEGORY, "source": SUBJECT_SOURCE, }, ) object_entity = create_entity( identifier=row[OBJECT_ID], mappings={ "label": OBJECT_LABEL, "category": OBJECT_CATEGORY, "source": OBJECT_SOURCE, }, ) mappings[EntityPair(subject_entity, object_entity)].append(row) return dict(mappings)
[docs]def compare_dataframes(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame) -> MappingSetDiff: """Perform a diff between two SSSOM dataframes. :param df1: A mapping dataframe :param df2: A mapping dataframe :returns: A mapping set diff .. warning:: currently does not discriminate between mappings with different predicates """ mappings1 = group_mappings(df1.copy()) mappings2 = group_mappings(df2.copy()) tuples1 = set(mappings1.keys()) tuples2 = set(mappings2.keys()) d = MappingSetDiff() d.unique_tuples1 = tuples1.difference(tuples2) d.unique_tuples2 = tuples2.difference(tuples1) d.common_tuples = tuples1.intersection(tuples2) all_tuples = tuples1.union(tuples2) all_ids = set() for t in all_tuples: all_ids.update({t.subject_entity, t.object_entity}) rows = [] for t in d.unique_tuples1: for r in mappings1[t]: r[COMMENT] = "UNIQUE_1" rows += mappings1[t] for t in d.unique_tuples2: for r in mappings2[t]: r[COMMENT] = "UNIQUE_2" rows += mappings2[t] for t in d.common_tuples: new_rows = mappings1[t] + mappings2[t] for r in new_rows: r[COMMENT] = "COMMON_TO_BOTH" rows += new_rows # for r in rows: # r['other'] = 'synthesized sssom file' d.combined_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(rows).drop_duplicates() return d
[docs]def add_default_confidence(df: pd.DataFrame, confidence: float = np.NAN) -> pd.DataFrame: """Add `confidence` column to DataFrame if absent and initializes to 0.95. If `confidence` column already exists, only fill in the None ones by 0.95. :param df: DataFrame whose `confidence` column needs to be filled. :return: DataFrame with a complete `confidence` column. """ if CONFIDENCE in df.columns: df[CONFIDENCE] = df[CONFIDENCE].apply(lambda x: confidence * x if x is not None else x) df[CONFIDENCE].fillna(float(confidence), inplace=True) else: df[CONFIDENCE] = float(confidence) return df
[docs]def dataframe_to_ptable( df: pd.DataFrame, *, inverse_factor: Optional[float] = None, default_confidence: Optional[float] = None, ): """Export a KBOOM table. :param df: Pandas DataFrame :param inverse_factor: Multiplier to (1 - confidence), defaults to 0.5 :param default_confidence: Default confidence to be assigned if absent. :raises ValueError: Predicate value error :raises ValueError: Predicate type value error :return: List of rows """ if not inverse_factor: inverse_factor = 0.5 if default_confidence: df = add_default_confidence(df, default_confidence) df = collapse(df) rows = [] for _, row in df.iterrows(): subject_id = row[SUBJECT_ID] object_id = row[OBJECT_ID] confidence = row[CONFIDENCE] # confidence of inverse # e.g. if Pr(super) = 0.2, then Pr(sub) = (1-0.2) * IF inverse_confidence = (1.0 - confidence) * inverse_factor residual_confidence = (1 - (confidence + inverse_confidence)) / 2.0 predicate = row[PREDICATE_ID] if predicate == OWL_EQUIVALENT_CLASS: predicate_type = PREDICATE_EQUIVALENT elif predicate == SKOS_EXACT_MATCH: predicate_type = PREDICATE_EQUIVALENT elif predicate == SKOS_CLOSE_MATCH: # TODO: consider distributing predicate_type = PREDICATE_EQUIVALENT elif predicate == RDFS_SUBCLASS_OF: predicate_type = PREDICATE_SUBCLASS elif predicate == SKOS_BROAD_MATCH: predicate_type = PREDICATE_SUBCLASS elif predicate == SSSOM_SUPERCLASS_OF: predicate_type = PREDICATE_SUPERCLASS elif predicate == SKOS_NARROW_MATCH: predicate_type = PREDICATE_SUPERCLASS elif predicate == OWL_DIFFERENT_FROM: predicate_type = PREDICATE_SIBLING # * Added by H2 ############################ elif predicate == OBO_HAS_DB_XREF: predicate_type = PREDICATE_HAS_DBXREF elif predicate == SKOS_RELATED_MATCH: predicate_type = PREDICATE_RELATED_MATCH # * ######################################## else: raise ValueError(f"Unhandled predicate: {predicate}") if predicate_type == PREDICATE_SUBCLASS: ps = ( confidence, inverse_confidence, residual_confidence, residual_confidence, ) elif predicate_type == PREDICATE_SUPERCLASS: ps = ( inverse_confidence, confidence, residual_confidence, residual_confidence, ) elif predicate_type == PREDICATE_EQUIVALENT: ps = ( residual_confidence, residual_confidence, confidence, inverse_confidence, ) elif predicate_type == PREDICATE_SIBLING: ps = ( residual_confidence, residual_confidence, inverse_confidence, confidence, ) # * Added by H2 ############################ elif predicate_type == PREDICATE_HAS_DBXREF: ps = ( residual_confidence, residual_confidence, confidence, inverse_confidence, ) elif predicate_type == PREDICATE_RELATED_MATCH: ps = ( residual_confidence, residual_confidence, confidence, inverse_confidence, ) # * ######################################### else: raise ValueError(f"predicate: {predicate_type}") row = [subject_id, object_id] + [str(p) for p in ps] rows.append(row) return rows
PREDICATE_SUBCLASS = 0 PREDICATE_SUPERCLASS = 1 PREDICATE_EQUIVALENT = 2 PREDICATE_SIBLING = 3 # * Added by H2 ############################ PREDICATE_HAS_DBXREF = 4 PREDICATE_RELATED_MATCH = 5 # * ######################################## RDF_FORMATS = {"ttl", "turtle", "nt", "xml"}
[docs]def merge_msdf( *msdfs: MappingSetDataFrame, reconcile: bool = False, ) -> MappingSetDataFrame: """Merge multiple MappingSetDataFrames into one. :param msdfs: A Tuple of MappingSetDataFrames to be merged :param reconcile: If reconcile=True, then dedupe(remove redundant lower confidence mappings) and reconcile (if msdf contains a higher confidence _negative_ mapping, then remove lower confidence positive one. If confidence is the same, prefer HumanCurated. If both HumanCurated, prefer negative mapping). Defaults to True. :returns: Merged MappingSetDataFrame. """ # Inject metadata of msdf into df msdf_with_meta = [inject_metadata_into_df(msdf) for msdf in msdfs] # merge df [# 'outer' join in pandas == FULL JOIN in SQL] # df_merged = reduce( # lambda left, right: left.merge(right, how="outer", on=list(left.columns)), # [msdf.df for msdf in msdf_with_meta], # ) # Concat is an alternative to merge when columns are not the same. df_merged = reduce( lambda left, right: pd.concat([left, right], axis=0, ignore_index=True), [msdf.df for msdf in msdf_with_meta], ).drop_duplicates(ignore_index=True) converter = curies.chain(msdf.converter for msdf in msdf_with_meta) merged_msdf = MappingSetDataFrame.with_converter(df=df_merged, converter=converter) if reconcile: merged_msdf.df = filter_redundant_rows(merged_msdf.df) if ( PREDICATE_MODIFIER in merged_msdf.df.columns and PREDICATE_MODIFIER_NOT in merged_msdf.df[PREDICATE_MODIFIER] ): merged_msdf.df = deal_with_negation(merged_msdf.df) # deals with negation # TODO: Add default values for license and mapping_set_id. return merged_msdf
[docs]def deal_with_negation(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Combine negative and positive rows with matching [SUBJECT_ID, OBJECT_ID, CONFIDENCE] combination. Rule: negative trumps positive if modulus of confidence values are equal. :param df: Merged Pandas DataFrame :return: Pandas DataFrame with negations addressed :raises ValueError: If the dataframe is none after assigning default confidence """ """ 1. Mappings in mapping1 trump mappings in mapping2 (if mapping2 contains a conflicting mapping in mapping1, the one in mapping1 is preserved). 2. Reconciling means two things [i] if the same s,p,o (subject_id, object_id, predicate_id) is present multiple times, only preserve the highest confidence one. If confidence is same, rule 1 (above) applies. [ii] If s,!p,o and s,p,o , then prefer higher confidence and remove the other. If same confidence prefer "HumanCurated" .If same again prefer negative. 3. Prefixes: [i] if there is the same prefix in mapping1 as in mapping2, and the prefix URL is different, throw an error and fail hard else just merge the two prefix maps 4. Metadata: same as rule 1. #1; #2(i) #3 and $4 are taken care of by 'filtered_merged_df' Only #2(ii) should be performed here. """ # Handle DataFrames with no 'confidence' column (basically adding a np.NaN to all non-numeric confidences) confidence_in_original = CONFIDENCE in df.columns df, nan_df = assign_default_confidence(df) # If s,!p,o and s,p,o , then prefer higher confidence and remove the other. ### negation_df: pd.DataFrame negation_df = df.loc[df[PREDICATE_MODIFIER] == PREDICATE_MODIFIER_NOT] normalized_negation_df = negation_df.reset_index() # This step ONLY if 'NOT' is expressed by the symbol '!' in 'predicate_id' ##### # normalized_negation_df[PREDICATE_ID] = normalized_negation_df[ # PREDICATE_ID # ].str.replace("!", "") ######################################################## normalized_negation_df = normalized_negation_df.drop(["index"], axis=1) # remove the NOT rows from the main DataFrame condition = negation_df.isin(df) positive_df = df.drop(condition.index) positive_df = positive_df.reset_index().drop(["index"], axis=1) columns_of_interest = [ SUBJECT_ID, PREDICATE_ID, OBJECT_ID, CONFIDENCE, MAPPING_JUSTIFICATION, ] negation_subset = normalized_negation_df[columns_of_interest] positive_subset = positive_df[columns_of_interest] combined_normalized_subset = pd.concat([positive_subset, negation_subset]).drop_duplicates() # GroupBy and SELECT ONLY maximum confidence max_confidence_df: pd.DataFrame max_confidence_df = combined_normalized_subset.groupby(TRIPLES_IDS, as_index=False)[ CONFIDENCE ].max() # If same confidence prefer "HumanCurated". reconciled_df_subset = pd.DataFrame(columns=combined_normalized_subset.columns) for _, row_1 in max_confidence_df.iterrows(): match_condition_1 = ( (combined_normalized_subset[SUBJECT_ID] == row_1[SUBJECT_ID]) & (combined_normalized_subset[OBJECT_ID] == row_1[OBJECT_ID]) & (combined_normalized_subset[CONFIDENCE] == row_1[CONFIDENCE]) ) # match_condition_1[match_condition_1] gives the list of 'True's. # In other words, the rows that match the condition (rules declared). # Ideally, there should be 1 row. If not apply an extra rule to look for 'HumanCurated'. if len(match_condition_1[match_condition_1].index) > 1: match_condition_1 = ( (combined_normalized_subset[SUBJECT_ID] == row_1[SUBJECT_ID]) & (combined_normalized_subset[OBJECT_ID] == row_1[OBJECT_ID]) & (combined_normalized_subset[CONFIDENCE] == row_1[CONFIDENCE]) & ( combined_normalized_subset[MAPPING_JUSTIFICATION] == SEMAPV.ManualMappingCuration.value ) ) # In spite of this, if match_condition_1 # is returning multiple rows, pick any random row from above. if len(match_condition_1[match_condition_1].index) > 1: match_condition_1 = match_condition_1[match_condition_1].sample() # FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed # from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead. # reconciled_df_subset = reconciled_df_subset.append( # combined_normalized_subset.loc[ # match_condition_1[match_condition_1].index, : # ], # ignore_index=True, # ) reconciled_df_subset = pd.concat( [ reconciled_df_subset, combined_normalized_subset.loc[match_condition_1[match_condition_1].index, :], ], ignore_index=True, ) # Add negations (PREDICATE_MODIFIER) back to DataFrame # NOTE: negative TRUMPS positive if negative and positive with same # [SUBJECT_ID, OBJECT_ID, PREDICATE_ID] exist for _, row_2 in negation_df.iterrows(): match_condition_2 = ( (reconciled_df_subset[SUBJECT_ID] == row_2[SUBJECT_ID]) & (reconciled_df_subset[OBJECT_ID] == row_2[OBJECT_ID]) & (reconciled_df_subset[CONFIDENCE] == row_2[CONFIDENCE]) ) reconciled_df_subset.loc[match_condition_2[match_condition_2].index, PREDICATE_MODIFIER] = ( row_2[PREDICATE_MODIFIER] ) if PREDICATE_MODIFIER in reconciled_df_subset.columns: reconciled_df_subset[PREDICATE_MODIFIER] = reconciled_df_subset[PREDICATE_MODIFIER].fillna( "" ) # .fillna(df) towards the end fills an empty value # with a corresponding value from df. # This needs to happen because the columns in df # not in reconciled_df_subset will be NaN otherwise # which is incorrect. reconciled_df = df.merge( reconciled_df_subset, how="right", on=list(reconciled_df_subset.columns) ).fillna(df) if nan_df.empty: return_df = reconciled_df else: return_df = reconciled_df.append(nan_df).drop_duplicates() if not confidence_in_original: return_df = return_df.drop(columns=[CONFIDENCE], axis=1) return return_df
[docs]def inject_metadata_into_df(msdf: MappingSetDataFrame) -> MappingSetDataFrame: """Inject metadata dictionary key-value pair into DataFrame columns in a MappingSetDataFrame.DataFrame. :param msdf: MappingSetDataFrame with metadata separate. :return: MappingSetDataFrame with metadata as columns """ # TODO add this into the "standardize" function introduced in # # TODO Check if 'k' is a valid 'slot' for 'mapping' [sssom.yaml] with open(SCHEMA_YAML) as file: schema = yaml.safe_load(file) slots = schema["classes"]["mapping"]["slots"] for k, v in msdf.metadata.items(): if k not in msdf.df.columns and k in slots: if k == MAPPING_SET_ID: k = MAPPING_SET_SOURCE if isinstance(v, list): v = "|".join(x for x in v) msdf.df[k] = str(v) return msdf
[docs]def get_file_extension(file: Union[str, Path, TextIO]) -> str: """Get file extension. :param file: File path :return: format of the file passed, default tsv """ if isinstance(file, Path): if file.suffix: return file.suffix.strip(punctuation) else: logging.warning( f"Cannot guess format from {file}, despite appearing to be a Path-like object." ) elif isinstance(file, str): filename = file parts = filename.split(".") if len(parts) > 0: f_format = parts[-1] return f_format.strip(punctuation) else: logging.warning(f"Cannot guess format from {filename}")"Cannot guess format extension for this file, assuming TSV.") return "tsv"
def _extract_global_metadata(msdoc: MappingSetDocument) -> MetadataType: """Extract metadata. :param msdoc: MappingSetDocument object :return: Dictionary containing metadata """ meta = {} ms_meta = msdoc.mapping_set for key in [ slot for slot in dir(slots) if not callable(getattr(slots, slot)) and not slot.startswith("__") ]: slot = getattr(slots, key).name if slot not in ["mappings"] and slot in ms_meta: if ms_meta[slot]: meta[key] = ms_meta[slot] return meta # to_mapping_set_document is in in order to avoid circular import errors
[docs]def to_mapping_set_dataframe(doc: MappingSetDocument) -> MappingSetDataFrame: """Convert MappingSetDocument into MappingSetDataFrame. :param doc: MappingSetDocument object :return: MappingSetDataFrame object """ return MappingSetDataFrame.from_mapping_set_document(doc)
[docs]def get_dict_from_mapping(map_obj: Union[Any, Dict[Any, Any], SSSOM_Mapping]) -> dict: """ Get information for linkml objects (MatchTypeEnum, PredicateModifierEnum) from the Mapping object and return the dictionary form of the object. :param map_obj: Mapping object :return: Dictionary """ map_dict = {} sssom_schema_object = _get_sssom_schema_object() for property in map_obj: mapping_property = map_obj[property] if mapping_property is None: map_dict[property] = np.nan if property in sssom_schema_object.double_slots else "" continue slot_of_interest = sssom_schema_object.slots[property] is_enum = slot_of_interest["range"] in sssom_schema_object.mapping_enum_keys # type:ignore # Check if the mapping_property is a list if isinstance(mapping_property, list): # If the property is an enumeration and it allows multiple values if is_enum and slot_of_interest["multivalued"]: # type:ignore # Join all the enum values into a string separated by '|' map_dict[property] = "|".join( enum_value.code.text for enum_value in mapping_property ) else: # If the property is not an enumeration or doesn't allow multiple values, # join all the values into a string separated by '|' map_dict[property] = "|".join(enum_value for enum_value in mapping_property) elif is_enum: # Assign the text of the enumeration code to the property in the dictionary map_dict[property] = mapping_property.code.text else: # If the mapping_property is neither a list nor an enumeration, # assign the value directly to the property in the dictionary map_dict[property] = mapping_property return map_dict
CURIE_PATTERN = r"[A-Za-z0-9_.]+[:][A-Za-z0-9_]" CURIE_RE = re.compile(CURIE_PATTERN) def _is_curie(string: str) -> bool: """Check if the string is a CURIE.""" return bool(CURIE_RE.match(string)) def _is_iri(string: str) -> bool: """Check if the string is an IRI.""" return validators.url(string)
[docs]def get_prefix_from_curie(curie: str) -> str: """Get the prefix from a CURIE.""" if _is_curie(curie): return curie.split(":")[0] else: return ""
[docs]def get_prefixes_used_in_table(df: pd.DataFrame, converter: Converter) -> Set[str]: """Get a list of prefixes used in CURIEs in key feature columns in a dataframe.""" prefixes = set(SSSOM_BUILT_IN_PREFIXES) if df.empty: return prefixes sssom_schema_object = _get_sssom_schema_object() entity_reference_slots = sssom_schema_object.entity_reference_slots & set(df.columns) new_prefixes = { converter.parse_curie(row).prefix for col in entity_reference_slots for row in df[col] if not _is_iri(row) and _is_curie(row) # we don't use the converter here since get_prefixes_used_in_table # is often used to identify prefixes that are not properly registered # in the converter } prefixes.update(new_prefixes) return prefixes
[docs]def get_prefixes_used_in_metadata(meta: MetadataType) -> Set[str]: """Get a set of prefixes used in CURIEs in the metadata.""" prefixes = set(SSSOM_BUILT_IN_PREFIXES) if not meta: return prefixes for value in meta.values(): if isinstance(value, list): prefixes.update(prefix for curie in value if (prefix := get_prefix_from_curie(curie))) else: if prefix := get_prefix_from_curie(str(value)): prefixes.add(prefix) return prefixes
[docs]def filter_out_prefixes( df: pd.DataFrame, filter_prefixes: List[str], features: Optional[list] = None, require_all_prefixes: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Filter out rows which contains a CURIE with a prefix in the filter_prefixes list. :param df: Pandas DataFrame of SSSOM Mapping :param filter_prefixes: List of prefixes :param features: List of dataframe column names dataframe to consider :param require_all_prefixes: If True, all prefixes must be present in a row to be filtered out :return: Pandas Dataframe """ if features is None: features = KEY_FEATURES filter_prefix_set = set(filter_prefixes) rows = [] selection = all if require_all_prefixes else any for _, row in df.iterrows(): prefixes = {get_prefix_from_curie(curie) for curie in row[features]} if not selection(prefix in prefixes for prefix in filter_prefix_set): rows.append(row) return pd.DataFrame(rows) if rows else pd.DataFrame(columns=features)
[docs]def filter_prefixes( df: pd.DataFrame, filter_prefixes: List[str], features: Optional[list] = None, require_all_prefixes: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Filter out rows which do NOT contain a CURIE with a prefix in the filter_prefixes list. :param df: Pandas DataFrame of SSSOM Mapping :param filter_prefixes: List of prefixes :param features: List of dataframe column names dataframe to consider :param require_all_prefixes: If True, all prefixes must be present in a row to be filtered out :return: Pandas Dataframe """ if features is None: features = KEY_FEATURES filter_prefix_set = set(filter_prefixes) rows = [] selection = all if require_all_prefixes else any for _, row in df.iterrows(): prefixes = {get_prefix_from_curie(curie) for curie in row[features] if curie is not None} if selection(prefix in filter_prefix_set for prefix in prefixes): rows.append(row) return pd.DataFrame(rows) if rows else pd.DataFrame(columns=features)
[docs]def raise_for_bad_path(file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Raise exception if file path is invalid. :param file_path: File path :raises FileNotFoundError: Invalid file path """ if isinstance(file_path, Path): if not file_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{file_path} is not a valid file path or url.") elif not isinstance(file_path, str):"Path provided to raise_for_bad_path() is neither a Path nor str-like object.") elif not validators.url(file_path) and not os.path.exists(file_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{file_path} is not a valid file path or url.")
[docs]def is_multivalued_slot(slot: str) -> bool: """Check whether the slot is multivalued according to the SSSOM specification. :param slot: Slot name :return: Slot is multivalued or no """ return slot in _get_sssom_schema_object().multivalued_slots
[docs]def reconcile_prefix_and_data( msdf: MappingSetDataFrame, prefix_reconciliation: dict ) -> MappingSetDataFrame: """Reconciles prefix_map and translates CURIE switch in dataframe. :param msdf: Mapping Set DataFrame. :param prefix_reconciliation: Prefix reconcilation dictionary from a YAML file :return: Mapping Set DataFrame with reconciled prefix_map and data. This method is build on :func:`curies.remap_curie_prefixes` and :func:`curies.rewire`. Note that if you want to overwrite a CURIE prefix in the Bioregistry extended prefix map, you need to provide a place for the old one to go as in ``{"geo": "ncbi.geo", "geogeo": "geo"}``. Just doing ``{"geogeo": "geo"}`` would not work since `geo` already exists. """ # Discussion about this found here: # converter = msdf.converter converter = curies.remap_curie_prefixes(converter, prefix_reconciliation["prefix_synonyms"]) converter = curies.rewire(converter, prefix_reconciliation["prefix_expansion_reconciliation"]) msdf.converter = converter msdf.standardize_references() return msdf
[docs]def sort_df_rows_columns( df: pd.DataFrame, by_columns: bool = True, by_rows: bool = True ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Canonical sorting of DataFrame columns. :param df: Pandas DataFrame with random column sequence. :param by_columns: Boolean flag to sort columns canonically. :param by_rows: Boolean flag to sort rows by column #1 (ascending order). :return: Pandas DataFrame columns sorted canonically. """ if by_columns and len(df.columns) > 0: column_sequence = [ col for col in _get_sssom_schema_object().dict["slots"].keys() if col in df.columns ] df = df.reindex(column_sequence, axis=1) if by_rows and len(df) > 0: df = df.sort_values(by=column_sequence, ignore_index=True, na_position="last") return df
[docs]def get_all_prefixes(msdf: MappingSetDataFrame) -> Set[str]: """Fetch all prefixes in the MappingSetDataFrame. :param msdf: MappingSetDataFrame :raises ValidationError: If slot is wrong. :raises ValidationError: If slot is wrong. :return: List of all prefixes. """ # FIXME investigate the logic for this function - # some of the falsy checks don't make sense if not msdf.metadata or msdf.df.empty: return set() prefixes: Set[str] = set() metadata_keys = set(msdf.metadata.keys()) keys = { slot for slot in itt.chain(metadata_keys, msdf.df.columns.to_list()) if slot in _get_sssom_schema_object().entity_reference_slots } for slot in keys: if slot not in metadata_keys: prefixes.update( prefix for curie in msdf.df[slot].unique() if (prefix := get_prefix_from_curie(curie)) ) elif isinstance(msdf.metadata[slot], list): for curie in msdf.metadata[slot]: prefix = get_prefix_from_curie(curie) if not prefix: raise ValidationError( f"Slot '{slot}' has an incorrect value: {msdf.metadata[slot]}" ) prefixes.add(prefix) else: prefix = get_prefix_from_curie(msdf.metadata[slot]) if not prefix: logging.warning(f"Slot '{slot}' has an incorrect value: {msdf.metadata[slot]}") continue prefixes.add(prefix) return prefixes
[docs]def augment_metadata( msdf: MappingSetDataFrame, meta: dict, replace_multivalued: bool = False ) -> MappingSetDataFrame: """Augment metadata with parameters passed. :param msdf: MappingSetDataFrame (MSDF) object. :param meta: Dictionary that needs to be added/updated to the metadata of the MSDF. :param replace_multivalued: Multivalued slots should be replaced or not, defaults to False. :raises ValueError: If type of slot is neither str nor list. :return: MSDF with updated metadata. """ # TODO this now partially redundant of the MSDF built-in standardize functionality are_params_slots(meta) if not msdf.metadata: return msdf for k, v in meta.items(): # If slot is multivalued, add to list. if k in _get_sssom_schema_object().multivalued_slots and not replace_multivalued: tmp_value: list = [] if isinstance(msdf.metadata[k], str): tmp_value = [msdf.metadata[k]] elif isinstance(msdf.metadata[k], list): tmp_value = msdf.metadata[k] else: raise TypeError( f"{k} is of type {type(msdf.metadata[k])} and \ as of now only slots of type 'str' or 'list' are handled." ) tmp_value.extend(v) msdf.metadata[k] = list(set(tmp_value)) elif k in _get_sssom_schema_object().multivalued_slots and replace_multivalued: msdf.metadata[k] = list(v) else: msdf.metadata[k] = v[0] return msdf
[docs]def are_params_slots(params: dict) -> bool: """Check if parameters conform to the slots in MAPPING_SET_SLOTS. :param params: Dictionary of parameters. :raises ValueError: If params are not slots. :return: True/False """ empty_params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is None or v == ""} if len(empty_params) > 0:"Parameters: {empty_params.keys()} has(ve) no value.") legit_params = all(p in _get_sssom_schema_object().mapping_set_slots for p in params.keys()) if not legit_params: invalids = [p for p in params if p not in _get_sssom_schema_object().mapping_set_slots] raise ValueError( f"The params are invalid: {invalids}. Should be any of the following: {_get_sssom_schema_object().mapping_set_slots}" ) return True
[docs]def invert_mappings( df: pd.DataFrame, subject_prefix: Optional[str] = None, merge_inverted: bool = True, update_justification: bool = True, predicate_invert_dictionary: dict = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Switching subject and objects based on their prefixes and adjusting predicates accordingly. :param df: Pandas dataframe. :param subject_prefix: Prefix of subjects desired. :param merge_inverted: If True (default), add inverted dataframe to input else, just return inverted data. :param update_justification: If True (default), the justification is updated to "sempav:MappingInversion", else it is left as it is. :param predicate_invert_dictionary: YAML file providing the inverse mapping for predicates. :return: Pandas dataframe with all subject IDs having the same prefix. """ if predicate_invert_dictionary: predicate_invert_map = predicate_invert_dictionary else: predicate_invert_map = PREDICATE_INVERT_DICTIONARY columns_invert_map = COLUMN_INVERT_DICTIONARY if PREDICATE_MODIFIER in df.columns: blank_predicate_modifier = df[PREDICATE_MODIFIER] == "" predicate_modified_df = pd.DataFrame(df[~blank_predicate_modifier]) non_predicate_modified_df = pd.DataFrame(df[blank_predicate_modifier]) else: predicate_modified_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns) non_predicate_modified_df = df if subject_prefix: # Filter rows where 'SUBJECT_ID' starts with the prefix but 'OBJECT_ID' does not prefixed_subjects_df = pd.DataFrame( non_predicate_modified_df[ ( non_predicate_modified_df[SUBJECT_ID].str.startswith(subject_prefix + ":") & ~non_predicate_modified_df[OBJECT_ID].str.startswith(subject_prefix + ":") ) ] ) # Filter rows where 'SUBJECT_ID' does not start with the prefix but 'OBJECT_ID' does non_prefix_subjects_df = pd.DataFrame( non_predicate_modified_df[ ( ~non_predicate_modified_df[SUBJECT_ID].str.startswith(subject_prefix + ":") & non_predicate_modified_df[OBJECT_ID].str.startswith(subject_prefix + ":") ) ] ) df_to_invert = non_prefix_subjects_df.loc[ non_prefix_subjects_df[PREDICATE_ID].isin(list(predicate_invert_map.keys())) ] non_inverted_df_by_predicate = pd.DataFrame(columns=non_prefix_subjects_df.columns) else: prefixed_subjects_df = pd.DataFrame() df_to_invert = non_predicate_modified_df.loc[ non_predicate_modified_df[PREDICATE_ID].isin(list(predicate_invert_map.keys())) ] non_inverted_df_by_predicate = non_predicate_modified_df.loc[ ~non_predicate_modified_df[PREDICATE_ID].isin(list(predicate_invert_map.keys())) ] list_of_subject_object_columns = [ x for x in df_to_invert.columns if x.startswith(("subject", "object")) ] inverted_df = df_to_invert.rename( columns=_invert_column_names(list_of_subject_object_columns, columns_invert_map) ) inverted_df = inverted_df[df.columns] inverted_df[PREDICATE_ID] = inverted_df[PREDICATE_ID].map(predicate_invert_map) if update_justification: inverted_df[MAPPING_JUSTIFICATION] = SEMAPV.MappingInversion.value if not prefixed_subjects_df.empty: return_df = pd.concat([prefixed_subjects_df, inverted_df]).drop_duplicates() else: return_df = pd.concat( [inverted_df, predicate_modified_df, non_inverted_df_by_predicate] ).drop_duplicates() if merge_inverted: return pd.concat([df, return_df]).drop_duplicates() else: return return_df
def _invert_column_names(column_names: list, columns_invert_map: dict) -> dict: """Return a dictionary for column renames in pandas DataFrame.""" return {x: columns_invert_map[x] for x in column_names}
[docs]def safe_compress(uri: str, converter: Converter) -> str: """Parse a CURIE from an IRI. :param uri: The URI to parse. If this is already a CURIE, return directly. :param converter: Converter used for compression :return: A CURIE """ return converter.compress_or_standardize(uri, strict=True)