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Wheat Ontology


Wheat Trait and Phenotype Ontology and the Wheat Ontology Case Study Infobox

  • Author: Sophie Aubin (@saubin78)
  • Last updated: 2025-02-17
  • Mapping Type: Mapping Type
  • Status of this case study: Status

Mapping classes between Wheat Trait and Phenotype Ontology and the Wheat Ontology (CO_321).


Plant sciences.

Purpose of the mapping


Other purpose of the mapping

None given.

Type of mapped resources

Wheat Trait and Phenotype Ontology (WTO)

  • 753 traits and phenotypes
  • Deep structure: 9 levels

Crop Ontology for wheat (CO_321)

  • Observation variables
  • trait +method+scale (Crop ontology model)
  • 460 trait classes
  • Flat structure: 3 levels

This mapping set is used to seamlessly retrieve information from two sources of experimental and scholarly articles data in the WheatIS and FAIDARE data discovery portals (, (English)).

Nédellec, Claire; Evtimova, Mariya; Aubin, Sophie; Letellier, Thomas; Alaux, Michael; Sauvion, Clara; Pommier, Cyril, 2023, "Alignment of WTO and CO_321 ontology classes", doi:10.57745/ZLJYQO, Recherche Data Gouv, V4.

Tools used for creating the mapping

Manual mappings following mapping rules defined with experts.

Type of mapping relations

Curation rules

The representation of complex mappings (conditional, contextual, one to many) was not addressed but remains a need.

Full description: Claire Nédellec, Sophie Aubin, Clara Sauvion, Liliana Ibanescu, Sonia Bravo, et al.. Mapping bread wheat trait ontologies for semantic interoperability. 2024. hal-04717147

Examples (samples) of different types of mapping implementations

SSSOM tabular format:

Mappings relations used.