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INRAE Thesaurus

FAIR Semantic interoperability

INRAE Case Study Infobox

  • Author: Sophie Aubin (@saubin78)
  • Last updated: 2025-02-17
  • Mapping Type: Mapping Type
  • Status of this case study: Status

Mapping the INRAE Thesaurus with internal and external KOS.


Agriculture, food and environmental research.

Purpose of the mapping

Semantic interoperability.

Other purpose of the mapping

Data integration.

Type of mapped resources

The INRAE Thesaurus, an institutional thesaurus of 17,000 concepts used in open archives, data repositories, and other information systems managed by INRAE, serves as the main resource. It is partially mapped to thesaurus: Agrovoc, MeSH, GEMET and the French Crop Usage thesaurus (all available on public KOS portals). More KOS are to be mapped to INRAE Thesaurus, including ontologies created and managed by research teams to address specific scientific needs.

INRAE Thesaurus on Agroportal: mappings are included in the thesaurus RDF file and expressed as "skos:exactMatch" AgroPortal computes and gives access to additional mappings. SKOS collections for all the concepts mapped to each KOS are available here.

Tools used for creating the mapping

AML-Extended with a manual curation.

Type of mapping relations

  • Synonymy (exact)
  • one to one

Examples (samples) of different types of mapping implementations

  skos:exactMatch <>, <> ;
  skos:prefLabel "acidity"@en, "acidité"@fr .

  skos:exactMatch <>, <>, <> ;
  skos:prefLabel "compostage"@fr, "composting"@en.