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RDA FAIR Mappings Working Group Documentation¶
Welcome to the website of the Research Data Alliance FAIR Mappings Working Group.
The FAIR Mappings WG works with various communities and RDA Working Groups that have generated mappings to converge toward common guidelines for making different types of mappings FAIR, and a common machine-readable/actionable set of representations of the mappings beyond the capabilities of the current existing specifications. The FAIR Mappings WG builds upon and extends beyond Europe the work done in two EOSC-related projects in Europe: 1) FAIR-IMPACT that develops recommendations for creating, documenting and sharing semantic artefact crosswalks and mappings; and 2) FAIRCORE4EOSC that develops the MSCR tool to register mappings.
The expected outputs of the FAIR Mappings WG include: - A set of technical recommendations to enable the creation of FAIR-by-design mappings and support the FAIRification of existing mappings; - A methodology and practical framework covering the different steps of mapping life cycle to support communities undertaking mappings; - A collection of hamonised use case descriptions which support the identification of various types of mappings; - A classification of mappings describing the various types of mappings as well as the mapping process; - A set of data models and the associated metadata for sharing the different types of mappings and mappings related operations as captures by the classification of mappings; - A Knowledge Base which brings together all the above-mentioned outputs and show-cases mapping scenarios with associated data models and links to the mappings classification.
To achieve the above, the Working Group follows three phases of work:
Please note that timeline has shifted; the Working Group started its work in February 2025 and runs until August 2026.
We invite everyone interested in the FAIR Mappings WG to join the working group or contribute a case study.
- Use cases and case studies
- FAIR Mappings WG Activity
- Statement of Work
- Member list
- FAIR Mappings WG Slack Channel (please request access on the issue tracker.